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January blues

Just because itโ€™s January doesnโ€™t mean you have to be Blue

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Attributed to unfavourable weather, extended nights, bank balances running dry and post-festive guilt, January is renowned as the โ€˜worstโ€™ month of the year. Inevitably this month often has connotations of low mood, poor motivation and reduced productivity. Most concerning, with the continued pain from the high cost of living, there is a risk that this […]

2021 is set to be more mentally challenging than 2020

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With a 3rd national lockdown the impact on our mental health and wellbeing is expected to be even worse than before. COVID hasnโ€™t been left in 2020 and many employees are going to struggle especially in the early part of 2021. The national lockdowns have been an unprecedented change in the way we socialise and […]

Five ways employers can help their team beat the January blues

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By Cheryl Lythgoe, Matron,ย Benenden Health Every year, one in four of us will have a mental health problem according to Mind. With the COVID-19 pandemic placing further strain on our mental wellbeing, this means it is more than likely that a member of your team could be living with mental health issues. At an already […]

Overcoming the January blues

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As Brits return to work this week it can be tricky to tell the difference between the January blues and depression. Dr Leigh A.Neal from Smart TMS revels his top tips on how companies can safeguard their employeesโ€™ wellbeing. Blue Monday, which this year falls on January 15,ย 2018, is said to be the most depressing […]