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Posts Tagged :

mental health day

Opinion: A manager’s guide to supporting staff with mental ill-health

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We all have mental health and sometimes, like our physical health, it can become unwell. Mental health is just as important as physical health – and tending to our invisible ailments needs the same level of intentionality as a visible illness. But, what should managers do to make sure their employees’ mental health is taken […]

World Mental Health Day 2018: Top PA Life articles that raise mental health awareness

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World Mental Health Day 2018 is upon us, October 10, is a day to raise awareness towards mental health, rather than shy away into the background and try to remain unnoticed. To help raise awareness of the cause that affects so many of us in one way or another, we have been through the PA […]

How to Deal With Mental Health Discrimination at Work

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Today, October 10, is World Mental Health Day which is designed to educate, raise awareness and remove the stigma of mental health. Mental health issues affect millions of people across the country and impact businesses and employees alike. Five million working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2016/2017 – with women […]

Companies need to track absences more closely to uncover mental health issues in their workforce

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Should companies track absences to help uncover mental health issues in their workforce? Is an idea suggested by Adrian Lewis, director at Activ Absence, to help overcome stigmas and better support staff suffering from mental health conditions. Research from health insurer BHSF found that a fifth (42%) of UK employees call in sick citing a […]