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Why generational stereotypes could harm your business

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When HR decisions are based on these false generational stereotypes everyone loses out, what we have seen in recent times are more false ‘facts’ about the millennial generation. These stereotypes can cause employers to make decisions which could do more harm to their business than good.  Stereotypes about generational differences are one of the most […]

Your Finger Or Your Phone

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Does the idea of losing your smartphone make you feel uncomfortable, like losing a beloved family pet? Are you the type of person that would rather lose a finger than misplace your mobile? Well, you are not alone. According to a recent survey by Tappable, a London based mobile app developer, one in ten millennials […]

How to brace yourself for Generation Z

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Britain’s youngest working generation of 16-21 year olds are graduating university and are beginning to fully integrate into the working world, and bosses need to take note. According to HR specialists Peldon Rose and their research programme at Kingston University, the world is changing and the first digitally native generation could be poised to shake […]