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Mobile Phones

Almost a third of us can’t go 20 minutes or less without checking our phone at work

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With research suggesting that human adults are only able to focus on something for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, it’s no wonder many of us struggle with procrastination during the working day, or constantly find ourselves distracted by our thoughts whilst watching TV. Now, new research from Lenstore has revealed which activities we get distracted the most […]

What your mobile phone says about you…

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The apps you keep on your phone can show if you’re stressed, have a tidy home or if you’re a bit of a party animal, it has emerged. They can also provide a host of other insights into your state of mind, your outlook on life and your motivations, a leading psychologist has revealed. It […]

Staff working out of hours could be violating GDPR

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UK workers that conduct work tasks on personal mobile phones at home and on the commute could be massively violating GDPR rules. What’s more, most employees are completely unaware that they are doing anything wrong. Although 14 million people in the UK use a second mobile phone for work, 18 per cent prefer to use […]

Curse of the digital age?

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The digital age is well and truly among us and the way people act and behave has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. We are beginning to suffer tech irritation and it’s one itch that we can’t seem to scratch.   Online ads that follow you around and people holding loud and long phone […]