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8 tech trends that will change the way we work in 2016

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Improvements in technology are providing businesses with a new range of tools year on year. With research showing that millennials think having up-to-date tech at work is essential, it’s vital for companies to prepare for the future. AJ Agrawal, CEO of Alumnify, recently wrote a list of the top eight trends businesses need to be […]

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Oprah Winfrey’s former EA confirmed for office* 2016

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With visitor registration now open, office* – the award-winning business event for executive office support professionals, taking place at the new venue of ExCeL London on 11-12 May, has announced Libby Moore, former EA/chief of staff to Oprah Winfrey, as its first keynote speaker for 2016. Renowned for attracting a host of ‘inspirational’ big names […]

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