Posts Tagged :

Office for National Statistics

Homeworking in the UK – 5 Key Learnings from the ONS Report

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The Office for National Statistics has released its findings into homeworking trends in the UK over the past 12 months. We hear from a selection of industry experts, consultants, and authors about the five key learnings from this latest report, and what this means for businesses battling to recover from the effects of a global […]

Falling short of salary expectations

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When you start in the world of work after finishing school, you imagine working up the corporate ladder until you eventually achieve a salary that you expect can sustain yourself. In new figures however, it seems that a lot of us are falling short of these expectations. Deciding what you want to be when you’re […]

Gender pay gap could take 170 years to close

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Despite the pay gap in the UK steadily closing, the average woman in the workplace still earns 9.1 per cent less than the average man, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Instant Offices looked into this further and discovered that men working full time earned an average of £592 a week in April […]