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Posts Tagged :

out of office

Could you soon be working remotely?

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It’s no secret that more of us are choosing to work remotely instead of heading into the office, the rise of the Virtual Assistant is something that has really become its own brand of assistant in the last ten years. The growing trend is becoming more popular within all industries and that may not be […]

Opinion: When are ‘out of office’ requests out of order?

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As an assistant of any kind can be asked to work hours around the clock for your boss. If that means booking a last-minute flight at 2am or arranging a last-minute meeting at the end of the day, then that’s what you do. But, are out of office requests reasonable? And if so, where is […]

The funniest ‘Out of Office’ Responses

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It’s August, and statistically most UK holiday time is taken during this month. You’ll notice that it seems like every other email bounces back with an ‘out of office’ response. So, here at PA Life, we made new staff writer Vincenzo Ferrara search the internet, in order to find seven little out of office gems […]

Working at home leaves employees distracted

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Brits working from home have admitted that distractions can lead to nearly five hours a week of food, FIFA and Facebook, according to a new study. As around 4.2 million of UK employees are working remotely, employers face fears that workload isn’t being monitored carefully enough. The report suggests that over half eat snacks and […]