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A Guide for First-Time Leaders and Managers

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Managing a team can be an exciting experience but it can also pose challenges, particularly for first time managers and those transitioning from a team member to a leader. Statistically, managers promoted from within are more likely to be respected by their former teammates compared to an external hire – but there are still challenges […]

1 in 3 WFH employees concerned they’re at a disadvantage to in-office colleagues

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Many businesses across the UK have introduced, or will soon be introducing, hybrid work models, allowing employees to work from the office, home or a combination of both. Some may enjoy the flexibility of having the choice between workplaces, however, a study by Stanford University revealed that, although they were 13% more productive overall, remote employees were […]

8 signs you’re mentally prepared for promotion

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Do you spend your commutes dreaming of the corner office? Do you take the stairs rattling off a list of your key skills and qualities? No matter where you work, at some point or another, nearly all of us want to progress in our careers.   It can be easy to know if you’re ready from […]

Top stories of the week

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As we continue to keep you informed on what’s happening in the events world and up to date, don’t forget to check us out on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. How to motivate yourself to get back to work in January  Going back to work in January is for most people, the least motivated you’ll feel all year, due to […]

Women five times more likely to feel that their gender hinders workplace confidence in them

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Women are five times more likely to feel that their gender hinders confidence in them in the workplace.  A new report among UK managers reveals attitudes towards training and confidence in the workplace. Worryingly, women were five times more likely to feel that their gender hinders confidence in them, with a fifth (20%) of female […]

Bosses have ‘no idea’ what their staff do on a daily basis

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How many time have you sat at your desk and thought to yourself, that no one really understands your job? Apparently, you aren’t the only one…   Bosses have ‘no idea’ what their staff do on a daily basis, according to a poll of employees. A poll of 2,000 working adults found around one in […]

Ride a Segway to success for your next corporate event

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We know the PA’s nightmare. The boss calls you into the office and says he wants the team to have a day out to say thanks for their efforts and pull colleagues closer together. Depending on the company you may have an age range from 18 to 60. Paintball, go-karts, rage buggies just won’t suit […]

Getting ahead at work: Social class divide, power and office politics

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A new study from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business has found that social class inequality in the workplace persists not only because of external factors such as bias and “glass ceilings”, but also because of structural factors that discourage relatively low-class people from seeking positions of power in the first place. The […]

Five steps to a tidier desk – and maybe a promotion too

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New research from ICT services provider Brother UK shows that one in 10 bosses would overlook a junior colleague for promotion simply because they have a messy desk. And it’s not just bosses that judge us for having cluttered workspaces – 40% see untidy colleagues as disorganised, while 15% assume that this means we don’t […]

A messy desk could limit your career potential

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A survey of more than 2000 office workers by Brother UK has revealed that one in three admit to having a desk that is cluttered or a mess, and almost one in 10 bosses said a messy desk would lead them to overlook a junior colleague for promotion. Managers admitted to judging junior colleagues with […]

Employers reveal top factors standing in the way of a promotion

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You come in early and leave late, you never miss a deadline, and your clients love you. So why haven’t you gotten a promotion already? A recent study from CareerBuilder sheds light on the physical and behavioural factors that can hurt employees’ career advancement prospects. According to the national survey, provocative clothing, a dishevelled appearance […]