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The British public is in support of taking the Covid-19 vaccination

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The British public is in support of taking the Covid-19 vaccination with two thirds willing to have the jab as soon as it is available. A survey of 2,000 adults revealed only 17 per would refuse to take it, with 19 per cent stating they were still unsure.ย Fewer than one in ten (eight per cent) […]

What rights do working parents have when there is a Coronavirus outbreak at school?

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Advice by Kate Palmer, Associate Director of HR Advisory at Peninsulaโ€ฆ Earlier this month, schools reopened across England as an attempt to kickstart the nation back to some form of normality. Since pupils of all ages have been allowed to return to school, parents have also been able to gradually return to work. However, with […]

How to manage a workforce with staff suddenly going into quarantine

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The news that holidaymakers will need to quarantine for two weeks after returning from Spain highlights one of the major challenges facing employers as the UK tries to get back to normal working life, saysย Adrian Lewis at Activ Absence. Spain wasย added to the UK’s quarantine earlier this week with just a few hours’ warning. This […]

What do the UK travel quarantine rules mean for employers and employees?

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by Alan Price, employment law expert and CEO of BrightHR As an extension to the current rules on self-isolation, a new requirement will see people having to spend 14 days in quarantine after travelling into the UK from another country. This measure is expected to come into place from 8 June 2020, despite receiving criticism […]

London Jet Charter readies quarantine procedures

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By Terry Farthing, Managing Director, London Jet Charter Quarantine regulations are due to start June 8th meaning that anyone arriving into the UK will have to self-isolate for 14 days or face penalties. Whilst there is a shortlist of people exempt for this ruling, dozens of travel companies have contacted the home secretary to request […]