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Colleagues blowing hot and cold – the big office temperature debate

  • Katy
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Have you ever felt unproductive at work because the temperature is just too hot for you to concentrate? Ever wrapped up in extra layers to keep warm whilst your colleagues complain they’re too hot? Then it sounds like you’ve been at the centre of the office temperature debate. Flexible office specialist Workthere has conducted research into the age-old office temperature debate. According to this research, […]

Communication really is key in the workplace

  • Katy
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Communication’ is the most sought after soft skill by employers Communication is the most sought-after soft skill when it comes to employers searching for new staff. New data from job search engine Adzuna has revealed that 10.9 per cent of ads mention the word. That equates to 116,261 mentions across the 1.1million job adverts analysed, closely […]

The 40 reasons Brits quit their jobs

  • Katy
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Boring canteen food, long hours and incompetent bosses are among the most common reasons why Brits quit their jobs, it has been revealed. Researchers who polled 2,000 workers found employees start thinking about leaving a job an average of three years and six months after starting. The list of reasons for quitting also includes feeling […]

The downside of business travel

  • Katy
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Being away from family, a lack of time to explore and having to live out of a suitcase are among the worst things about travelling for work. A poll of 2,000 business globetrotters found more than one in five dislike being away from home. Struggling to eat healthily, having to work longer hours and missing […]

6 in 10 women suffer ‘Imposter Syndrome’

  • Katy
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The overwhelming feeling of crippling self-doubt and dread known as Imposter Syndrome has impacted some 62 per cent of people at work. The survey, carried out by Access Commercial Finance, of over 3,000 adults in the UK shows over two-thirds of women (66 per cent) have suffered from imposter syndrome compared to over half of […]

Guess what’s the hub of the office…

  • Katy
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It’s where all the gossip gets dished and now the kitchen has been officially named the most used space in UK workplaces. The survey of 1,109 UK adults conducted by household appliances online store Appliances Direct revealed that seven in ten (72 per cent) workers say that the kitchen is the hub of their workplace. When […]

How do you rate your relationship with your boss?

  • Katy
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If you find yourself arriving home after a long day at work only to spend a solid 10 minutes ranting about your boss, you’re not alone. A new study has revealed that on average, British employees rate their relationship with their employer at only 6.6/10. For healthcare workers, the figure is even lower – a […]

8 out of 10 workers would turn down a job that doesn’t offer flexible working

  • Katy
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If your company doesn’t offer flexible working, you’re missing out on attracting top talent, with 73 per cent of Brits believing that flexi-employment is the ‘new normal’. New findings by flexible workspace provider IWG shows that 80 per cent of those in the UK would chose a job which offered flexible working over a job […]

Bosses should help staff up their game – literally

  • Katy
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Gamified rewards and bonuses not only introduce an element of fun to the workplace, but also increasing employee performance – and over half of all bosses are losing out on productivity by not making use of them. A survey of 1,096 UK workers, by workplace incentives and rewards provider One4all Rewards, published in the Workers […]

Best Parties Ever reveals Xmas bash winners

  • Katy
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Best Parties Everhas revealed telling research from over 1,600 respondents which unveils the motivations and requirements of corporate Christmas celebrations ahead of the party season.  Planning In 2018, it seems our preference for early bookings and being organised topped the charts, with just seven per cent of organisers leaving Christmas to the last minute. 62 […]

IWD2019: Which countries are supporting working mothers best?

  • Katy
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With studies showing that as many working women have children, as those who don’t, it is clear that a large percentage of women are juggling careers with motherhood. And recent research from Catalyst shows women account for 40 per cent or more of the total labour force in several countries, making flexible working hours, extended maternal leave, […]

Working hours key to happy employees

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National Careers Week aims to encourage companies to think about their employees’ wellbeing and happiness and new research has asked British workers about the things they most want from their work. The YouGov surveyof 2,000 adults, commissioned by the Oxford Open Learning Trust, found that while money is predictably the biggest motivator behind career choice […]

How much disposable income do you have each month?

  • Katy
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The average British adult has just £276 of disposable income each month – less than £10 a day, a study has found. A poll of 2,000 adults revealed that after paying out for their rent and mortgage, utility bills, food and other living expenses, just a small amount of ‘spare’ cash is left over for […]

Tidy desk, tidy mind – and you won’t annoy your colleagues

  • Katy
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Some 63 per cent of UK office workers annoyed when colleagues’ desks are messy, according to a study. The research, which looked into organisational habits at work, found that almost two thirds (59 per cent) of those surveyed said they regularly procrastinate over organisational tasks, with less than half of UK office workers (45 per […]

UK businesses failing on training & development – and admin is one of the worst

  • Katy
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A quarter (25 per cent) of office workers invest no time in learning new skills or further education to enhance their professional life, according to new research by MPA Group. The study, conducted by the innovation funding specialist, looked into how many UK businesses are offering workers dedicated time to work on upskilling, training and […]

8 of 10 Brits admit to ‘presenteeism’ in the workplace

  • Katy
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‘Presenteeism’ – that is, coming back to work when still ill – has more than tripled since 2010. According to a recent CIPD survey, 86 per cent of employees admitting they had observed Presenteeism in the workplace. Research by the Centre of Mental shows Presenteeism from Mental Health alone is estimated to cost the UK […]

7 in 10 European corporate travel decision makers expect travel budgets to rise

  • Katy
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Seven in ten European corporate travel decision makers (CTDMs) anticipate their travel budget will increase in 2019, with 16 per cent saying they expect their budget to significantly increase. That’s according to a recent study by Cvent entitled ‘The European Travel Manager in 2019. The report reveals that 25 per cent of CTDMs said their […]

Video conferencing is a huge boon to business – when it works…

  • Katy
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The overwhelming majority of businesses (90 per cent) have reported experiencing challenges when connecting to video conference calls. This is according to a new survey from StarLeaf, conducted by Vanson Bourne, which featured responses from 500 IT decision-makers and line-of-business leaders in the UK, France, Germany and the US, and from a broad spectrum of […]