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Posts Tagged :

Saying no

Opinion: When are ‘out of office’ requests out of order?

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As an assistant of any kind can be asked to work hours around the clock for your boss. If that means booking a last-minute flight at 2am or arranging a last-minute meeting at the end of the day, then that’s what you do. But, are out of office requests reasonable? And if so, where is […]

Top stories of the week

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As we continue to keep you informed on what’s happening in the events world and up to date, don’t forget to check us out on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.   What is the future of the EA role? A group of PAs got together at an event held by Fyxer in central London to discuss a topic that all […]

Opinion: Saying ‘no’ to your boss

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For many assistants, it can take years to develop the skills and knowledge to understand when going the extra mile for your boss is required and when they are just taking liberties. Vincenzo Ferrara asks, when is it okay for an assistant to say ‘no’ to their boss.  A few days ago, I was sat […]