Posts Tagged :

Shared Parental Leave

Three ways to embrace gender equity in the workplace

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The fight for gender equity in the workplace today remains ever-present. The biggest concerns are working parents being at greater risk of burnout and the continued underrepresentation of women in senior roles, there remains much work to be done to level the playing field. Implementing policies to promote gender equity presents many nuanced challenges that […]

Shared parental leave: A revolutionary concept, but sadly moving at a glacial pace of change

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By Paul Guess, CABA Shared Parental Leave (SPL) was introduced in April 2015. When asked about it, the then Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg explained, ‘more and more fathers want to play a hands-on role with their young children, but too many feel that they can’t.’ The SPL scheme was a way to give more ‘choice’ […]

Employers urged to encourage more shared parental leave

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A new Government advertising campaign known as Share the Joy, is seeking to encourage more parents to take up the offer of Shared Parental Leave in their baby’s first year. This comes after it was revealed that take up is as low two per cent and around half the population are unaware that the option […]

Parental leave app to keep employees connected

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My Family Care is hoping to help new and expectant parents in the workplace address their work-life balance through a new mobile app. The Parental Leave Toolkit aims to make HR and management teams more accessible when tackling issues such as parental leave, career progression and personal wellbeing. Believing that in order to support the […]

Women work 39 more days a year than men

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New research from the World Economic Forum suggests women work on average 39 more days a year than their male counterparts, which could be the reason for the slow progression toward closing the gender pay gap. Data from the WEF’s Global Gender Gap report shows the average woman works 50 minutes longer each day than […]

Mercer Global Parental Leave report: Organisations making the benefit available to their workforce

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Despite the complexities involved with legislation for parental leave, organisations are making the benefit available to their workforce. According to Mercer’s new Global Parental Leave report, more than one-third of organisations worldwide have one centralised global policy that covers the various types of leaves available, including maternity, paternity, adoption and parental. Moreover, 38% provide paid […]

Next generation parents delay starting a family due to financial concerns

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Britain’s next generation parents are delaying plans to start a family mainly due to affordability concerns, new research from the Scottish Widows think tank the Centre for the Modern Family (CMF) has found. The latest CMF report reveals that almost half (45%) of 25-34 year olds plan to delay starting a family for at least […]

More men working part-time

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The number of men choosing to work part-time is set to rise in the coming years, according to a new report published this week. The report by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), entitled Working Futures, projects that the number of part-time male workers is set to increase by 20% by 2024. That […]

Just 1% take up Shared Parental Leave one year on

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Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of the launch of Shared Parental Leave (SPL). The revolutionary policy that allows couples to share leave surrounding the arrival of a new addition to their family helps women get back into the workplace quicker and gives men the opportunity to care full-time for their new baby or adopted child […]