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Only four in ten workers think company meetings are effective forms of communication

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New research from Sigma, has found that only four in ten workers think meetings are fully effective, with one in ten saying they are not at all effective. When asked how well teams communicate and whether improvements could be made, a third of respondents (33.6%) said internal communications needed to be overhauled completely, and 58.4% said […]

Comms tools are hampering productivity and damaging mental health, claims report

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British workers are struggling to keep on top of distracting and confusing digital communication tools, causing them to miss important work emails or messages, according to a new report. New digital tools which have become more commonplace during the pandemic are often poorly implemented and have only served to compound the issue, denting productivity, causing miscommunication […]

112 working hours, per worker, wasted struggling with digital tools each year

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British workers are struggling to adapt to new digital tools, losing hundreds of hours in productivity in the process, according to a new report. Following the global COVID-19 pandemic, millions of workers have been forced to incorporate tools they have never used before, as an individual or employee, creating a drain or productivity and new challenges in […]