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When was the last time you took any time off work…?

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The average British worker has not taken any leave from work for more than two months – and has shelved nine days off what they had planned to take because of the lockdown. Of the 2,000 workers polled, more than half said they had ‘completely written off’ 2020 when it came to taking holidays from […]

Apparently, these are the signs that someone is a hard worker…

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Helping colleagues when you don’t need to, never missing a deadline – and volunteering for more are signs you’re a ‘hard worker’, according to research. Other signs you’re impressing your boss include having a comprehensive To Do list, getting in early and staying late, and offering to go to boring meetings. The poll of 2,000 […]

Revealed: What Brits want from their ‘dream’ workplace

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Okay, let’s take a break from virus-related news and cast our minds forward to when we can actually work from an office again in the hopefully not too distant future – and help the animals too. Now isn’t that a lovely thought? According to research, Brits dream of a workplace with free soft drinks, glorious […]

The 40 reasons Brits quit their jobs

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Boring canteen food, long hours and incompetent bosses are among the most common reasons why Brits quit their jobs, it has been revealed. Researchers who polled 2,000 workers found employees start thinking about leaving a job an average of three years and six months after starting. The list of reasons for quitting also includes feeling […]