Posts Tagged :

staff productivity

Office workers feel more productive and happier after being outdoors

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New research has revealed that office workers feel more productive and in a better mood after being in the great outdoors. Productivity improved by 45 per cent from being outside for just 29 minutes – and 63 per cent feel better ‘in themselves’ after spending time in fresh air, according to the 2,000 office staff […]

Comms tools are hampering productivity and damaging mental health, claims report

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British workers are struggling to keep on top of distracting and confusing digital communication tools, causing them to miss important work emails or messages, according to a new report. New digital tools which have become more commonplace during the pandemic are often poorly implemented and have only served to compound the issue, denting productivity, causing miscommunication […]

112 working hours, per worker, wasted struggling with digital tools each year

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British workers are struggling to adapt to new digital tools, losing hundreds of hours in productivity in the process, according to a new report. Following the global COVID-19 pandemic, millions of workers have been forced to incorporate tools they have never used before, as an individual or employee, creating a drain or productivity and new challenges in […]