Posts Tagged :

stress management

SME employees at increased risk of burnout

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Britain’s small and medium sized firms make up 99.9% of the UK’s private sector businesses, employ nearly three-fifths of its workforce and account for 48% of the turnover, but it’s employees are more susceptible to burnout. But full-on pursuit of commercial success may be putting owners and employees of these businesses at increased risk of […]

Working at home leaves employees distracted

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Brits working from home have admitted that distractions can lead to nearly five hours a week of food, FIFA and Facebook, according to a new study. As around 4.2 million of UK employees are working remotely, employers face fears that workload isn’t being monitored carefully enough. The report suggests that over half eat snacks and […]

Demanding bosses turn up the pressure on City stress

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Demanding bosses and increased work burdens are turning up the pressure and stress levels for City of London workers, with staff expected to be always available, new research from MetLife shows. Its study among senior decision makers from financial institutions and investment banks found 95% say they are expected to be always available for work, […]

How to keep up appearances when you’re having a bad day

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Becoming the victim of a bad day where nothing is going right need not be the end of the world. It’s especially important for PAs to maintain a professional attitude no matter how they’re feeling. Luckily, The Muse has created this handy list of ways to avoid becoming a buzzkill if things aren’t going your […]

How to stop multitasking and start unitasking

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Business mindfulness expert Dana Zelicha of the Organisational Well Being Agency discusses how to stop multitasking and start unitasking to reduce stress at work Multitasking is a common practice with the many distractions people face throughout the day. The belief that multitasking helps us accomplish everything we have to get done, however, is a myth. […]

LinkedIn, Stanford and Spire study finds health trackers significantly reduce stress and boost performance in the workplace

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The LinkedIn Corporation and Stanford University’s Mind & Body Lab, together with Spire, the world’s first wearable device to track breathing patterns, has unveiled the results of the first and only known study of wearable technology and health trackers in a corporate setting for stress management. The results of the 30-day study were compelling, showing that […]

Alleviating financial stress: Take control of your finances to get back on track at work

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Getting into financial trouble affects individuals in different ways, with one in four saying it makes them perform poorly at work. Money plays such a big role in our lives, so it’s important to stay in control – otherwise it can have a detrimental impact on health. Aviva’s recent Save Smarter survey revealed the UK’s […]

How businesses can beat Blue Monday and combat rising stress levels

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Blue Monday, officially known as the most depressing day of the year and generally marked by rising employee absence rates, will hit UK workforces next Monday (16 January). Adrian Lewis, Director of Activ Absence says that companies should not only expect the usual bout of seasonal illnesses, but be on the lookout for signs of […]

3 in 5 employees reach for the bottle after work – with stress the main motivator

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New research by wellbeing charity CABA has revealed that 60% of British employees regularly drink on a work night (Sunday to Thursday). Their top 5 reasons for drinking are: Nearly a third drink to de-stress (29%) They enjoy the taste (28%) They drink with their friends socially (19%) Out of habit (they have an alcoholic […]

6 steps to overcome Christmas exhaustion

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Office parties, family gatherings, present shopping, long drives – Christmas has its fair share of activities that can wear out even the healthiest person. So what can you do to ensure you are energised enough this December? “With so much to do and so many people to see, the Christmas season can take its toll […]

NHS test determines your workplace stress

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Workplace stress is so commonplace these days that it seems everyone and their uncle complains at some point in their career. But are we actually stressed or do we just need to lower our expectations? A new online test from NHS Choices can help you determine how much workplace stress you’re actually under. The simple […]

6 ways meditation can help with stress

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Meditation is great for mindfulness and stress relief. You’ve probably heard this many times, but you might not know exactly how it works. Luckily the experts at Yoga Journal has outlined six ways meditation can make you feel happy at work with tips from meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg. 1 It helps you find a sense […]

5 ways to avoid burnout in the lead up to Christmas

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November and December can be stressful; there’s the end-of-year processes, people out sick with cold and flu, and less reliable colleagues feel it’s the right time to unwind before Christmas. It’s easy to become overwhelmed as a busy PA trying to keep things running smoothly. Here are a few top tips to help you avoid […]

10 tips to remove the stress when planning a corporate event

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Creating a successful corporate event can be nerve-wracking. But, with the right planning and support, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some top tips from Apex on how PAs can keep calm and plan on. Be strategic and set defined outcomes for your events upfront; this will make it easier to meet the expectations […]

Quarter of workers have complained of stress at work but received no support

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Figures released in the fourth annual Employee Insight Report from Capita reveal that one in four workers (26%) say they have complained to their employers about stress levels but have received no support. With new statistics released on National Stress Awareness Day, the report shows stress is prevalent among the vast majority of UK workers, […]

Brits are stressed for more than 5 years of their lives

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The average adult feels stressed for five-and-a-half years of their life, a study has found. Running late, traffic jams and health problems mean Brits spend two hours and 11 minutes of every day feeling stressed – a total of more than 15 hours a week. That amounts to 33 days of each year – or […]

127 million hours of sick leave taken last year due to mental health problems

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Recent research from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has found that mental health problems including stress, depression and anxiety are the leading cause of workplace absence in the UK, after minor illnesses. The report also showed that the number of days taken off work with mental health problems has increased 25% year on year […]

Stress in the City driving employees away

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Rising stress in the City is driving more than two out of three investment bank staff to consider quitting their job – but employees believe talking about stress or mental health issues to management will damage their careers, new research from MetLife shows. Its study among decision makers at financial institutions found that two out […]