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How happy are assistants in the workplace?

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How many hours are you working, compared to how many you’re employed to work? Do you have flexible working conditions? And are you contacted regularly outside of working hours? PA Life asked almost 170 PAs and EAs exactly how happy are assistants in the workplace and more. Here’s what you said… Working hours factor in […]

Formula for a happy remote working environment revealed

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Ecological Consultancy Reveals the Formula for a happy remote working environment. In a recent Best Places to Work 2024 edition published by The Sunday Times recently 70,000 UK organisations were analysed. Behind the survey was employee satisfaction experts WorkL who gathered the results used the six factors of reward and recognition, instilling pride, information sharing, […]

Sustainability is not a priority for business travellers

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Only 16% of business travellers prioritise sustainability in trip planning, despite desire for more eco-friendly travel options. Emburse, the global leader in spend optimisation, today releases the findings of its latest research on attitudes towards sustainability amongst British business travellers. The Censuswide survey of 1,003 employees and 254 employers asked where sustainability fits within the […]

2023 London Christmas Party Survey reveals positive outlook

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Venue Search London and the London Christmas Party Show have just published the results of their recent survey of over 160 corporate event buyers, revealing the changing trends and plans for companies’ 2023 end-of year celebrations. The Venue Search London Team will be presenting the key findings at their popular seminars at next month’s Show, […]

Employees want better personal development opportunities, but lack proactivity 

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As many as 70% of UK employees said they would be happier in their current role if they had more personal development opportunities. Almost as many, 65% of UK workers claim that lack of employee personal development opportunities is a reason to seek out a new job. Three out of four UK employees (75%) believe […]

Assistants salaries surveyed by SecsintheCity

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The SecsintheCity 2022 Salary Survey Report, shines a light on Assistants’ salaries, bonuses and benefits and reveals the real picture of post-pandemic employment. PA Life has some exclusive insights below on the Assistants salary survey results. In Early 2022, SecsintheCity set out to understand how the previous 12 months have impacted the working lives of […]

PA Life Survey: What Assistants want from their working conditions

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PA Life surveyed its readers to find out what EAs and PAs are looking for when it comes to flexible working post pandemic. Our new research reveals that most Assistants expect – and want – to continue working remotely at least part of the week. Below is the full survey onto Assistants working conditions. Read […]

Is flexible working the answer to workplace stress? 

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Matt Ephgrave, MD at Just Eat for Business, discussed the results of his company’s recent survey about stress at work. Work-related stress has skyrocketed in recent years and data suggest that a huge 17.9 million working days were lost to stress, anxiety or depression in 2019/20. This not only highlights workplace stress’ sheer scale, but […]

UK employers ‘fail to support workers’ needs for remote and hybrid workspaces’

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A survey of UK employers and employees gives insight into the lack of provision for remote and hybrid office workers to carry out their roles. While only just over half (56%) of employers admit they regularly check in with all employees to enquire about their health and wellbeing and 55% provide laptops, 73% of employees […]

One in six workers are retrained and ‘ready for new careers’

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A new survey has revealed that nearly one in six (15%) employees working in the UK have already retrained for a new role or profession. Their current employers just don’t know it yet. HR software provider CIPHR polled over 1,000 workers to find out how many people have retrained and made a career shift since […]

Flexibility and reskilling top priorities for UK employers in 2021

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The COVID-19 pandemic is driving a fundamental shift in the way companies operate, accelerating the need for an adaptable and agile workforce to drive business success. According to Mercer’s 2021 Global Talent Trends study, the financial impact and work-life disruption caused by the pandemic is causing UK employers to focus on redefining flexibility and skills […]

Share your thoughts with the PA Life 2021 Survey

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We want to find out our readers favourite social media channel, what you think about our online presence and the content you want more of. The annual PA Life Reader Survey has launched once again, where we are asking you, our loyal readers, to share your thoughts on the PA Life brand as a whole. The […]

Be in with the chance of winning a prize from Popkakery

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Popkakery is running a prize draw to win some of their delicious treats. Popkakery is renowned throughout London and the UK as one of the leading suppliers of exquisite branded sweets, cakes, promotional chocolates and corporate treats.  Whether you’re looking for a sweet treat or to spice up your morning tea/coffee break, the Popkakery range […]

Only four in ten workers think company meetings are effective forms of communication

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New research from Sigma, has found that only four in ten workers think meetings are fully effective, with one in ten saying they are not at all effective. When asked how well teams communicate and whether improvements could be made, a third of respondents (33.6%) said internal communications needed to be overhauled completely, and 58.4% said […]

Almost six in ten office workers are struggling to separate their work and home life

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Almost six in ten office workers are struggling to separate their work and home life after ditching their commute, research has revealed. A survey of 2,000 UK adults who have been forced to work from home this year found the average person is saving 60 minutes a day due to the lack of travel to […]

What are your lockdown confessions…?

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Working in pyjamas, having a weekday lie in and fibbing about lack of internet connection to avoid video calls are among Brits’ top ‘lockdown confessions’. A study of 2,000 adults found 78 per cent admitted to a minor ‘offence’ this year. In fact, the average person has committed seven misdemeanours each, with 13 per cent […]

Tell us about your biggest lockdown challenges as a PA

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We’re all in this together. But we need to share our concerns and challenges, and stop worrying about appearing vulnerable. To this end, we have created a survey here which we urge all our readers to complete. There are just 10 questions, so it will take you less time than it would to put on […]

Coronavirus Survey: Tell us about your key lockdown professional challenges

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We’re all in this together. But we need to share our concerns and challenges, and stop worrying about appearing vulnerable. To this end, we have created a survey here which we urge everyone to complete. There are just 10 questions, so it will take you less time than it would to put on some make-up […]

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