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The challenges of managing a partially-vaccinated workforce

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By Daniel Parker, Associate in the Employment practice at Winckworth Sherwood After over a year of dismay and disruption, the relaxation of COVID-related public health measures in parts of the UK this summer suggests a potential return to some form of normality, whatever that may look like. Badged as ‘Freedom Day’ in the press, the guidance […]

UK workers expect their employer to make Covid vaccine mandatory

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Half of Britain’s workers expect their bosses to demand a vaccine passport before they can return to their workplace. The study of 5,000 British workers across various sectors by HR software provider and employment law advice firm, BrightHR, found only 17% have had a conversation about their companies’ policy on vaccines, but over a third […]

Brits ready to return to the workplace, but not without vaccination

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A workforce fatigued by restrictions and safety concerns is emerging with a more optimistic and hopeful outlook for the year ahead, according to Randstad’s latest survey of over 27,000 workers in 34 countries. Research revealed that there is a clear desire for employees to return to the workplace – but not without having the vaccine […]

Half of remote workers will only return to the office if they are vaccinated

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A new study commissioned by an intelligent learning platform has revealed that almost a third (32%) of British employees will not return to the office if they are asked to wear a mask, and a tenth (11%) will refuse if they are required to be vaccinated. In contrast, adequate space and protective additions to an […]

Get staff vaccinated before they can return, say UK workers

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Seven in 10 office workers believe colleagues should only be allowed back at their desks when they have been vaccinated against Covid-19, research has revealed. A survey of 1,000 UK office workers who are currently on furlough or are working from home revealed more than half (51 per cent) can’t wait to head back in […]

Can employers only hire new workers who have been vaccinated?

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Advice by Alan Price, CEO of BrightHR… Various companies across the UK have said they will consider only making hires if the individual has been vaccinated, prompting whether this is discriminatory. The first thing that employers should bear in mind is that getting a vaccine for Covid-19 has not been made compulsory by the Government, […]

From venue to vaccination hub

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Recently the news has been filled with venues offering their facilities to the NHS. In England, COVID-19 vaccines are being delivered from 206 hospital hubs, 1,200 local vaccination service sites and 50 vaccination centres located in large-scale venues, such as football stadiums. Here are just some of the venues who have opened their doors: Hampshire Court […]

The British public is in support of taking the Covid-19 vaccination

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The British public is in support of taking the Covid-19 vaccination with two thirds willing to have the jab as soon as it is available. A survey of 2,000 adults revealed only 17 per would refuse to take it, with 19 per cent stating they were still unsure. Fewer than one in ten (eight per cent) […]