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Survey says: Britain wont work with vaccine refusers

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A survey of 1163 UK workers, carried out by HR software provider CIPHR, has revealed that over one third (35%) of all UK workers said they would not work in the same office or work environment as someone who has refused the Covid-19 vaccination. It is Gen Z, alongside Millennials, who are the most vaccine-conscious […]

5 minutes with… AMEX GBT’s Marilyn Markham on what to Expect When Travelling During COVID-19

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Contemplating travelling in the near future? What can you expect when you venture out to an airport, train station, or hotel? How will the COVID-19 vaccine impact traveller requirements? We spoke to Marilyn Markham, Head of the Salesforce Centre of Excellence at American Express Global Business Travel (GBT), about what you need to consider when […]

Surge in 2021 annual leave requests follows vaccine announcement

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New data from global HR software and employment law advice service BrightHR has revealed there has already been a surge in 2021 annual leave requests by UK workers, following the news that the UK’s medicines regulator has authorised a COVID-19 vaccine and rollout of the injection is imminent. Over the past few weeks, 42,010 users […]