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Do you tell the people closest to you what you earn? Us neither

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A new poll by HR software provider CIPHR suggests that most British adults are reluctant to discuss their salary with friends and family, and even less so with their colleagues and co-workers. Over a third (36%) of the 1,005 workers surveyed admit that they donโ€™t talk about their salary with their significant other (spouse or […]

In your thirties? You’re going to be part of the wealthiest generation

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Working adults in their thirties are on track to be the wealthiest generation – after research found they earn the highest salary, save more and have the most disposable income. A study into how much money the average person โ€˜hasโ€™ in each decade of their life revealed those aged 30 to 39 earn an average […]

How much disposable income do you have each month?

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The average British adult has just ยฃ276 of disposable income each month – less than ยฃ10 a day, a study has found. A poll of 2,000 adults revealed that after paying out for their rent and mortgage, utility bills, food and other living expenses, just a small amount of โ€˜spareโ€™ cash is left over for […]

How does the budget affect you, the PA?

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On Monday afternoon we saw the delivery of the most recent budget report from Philip Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer. He announced that we are coming to the end of the era of austerity, and that we should see the country in a much more prosperous light. After his 72-minute speech, we have sorted through […]

Are you battering your credit card at the end of the monthโ€ฆ?

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Do you regularly dip into your overdraft or fall back on your credit cards towards the end of the month? Well, youโ€™re not alone, according to a new report which has found that millions of Brits feel they are living beyond their means, and that their salaries arenโ€™t stretching enough. The research by Vantage Leasing […]

One in six Brits are lying about their wages

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Brits are not being honest when it comes to their salary, with 17 per cent telling others that they earn more to seem wealthier. Research of 1,000 workers carried out by loan broker Norton Finance, found that 34 per cent of those who lie did so to give others the idea that they earned as […]