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What do we want? More downtime at work!

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The nation’s employees believe work now takes up 42 per cent of their life, according to research. Researchers carried out a detailed study of 2,000 adults in employment and found we all want more downtime. Half of those polled agreed waking up in the morning and dreading the day ahead at work is a sure-sign […]

Hay fever leaves employees struggling to complete work, says research

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As the warmer months start to roll in, hay fever strikes again, causing many sufferers to take time off work due to their allergy. In fact, one in five sufferers have had to call in sick as the itchy eyes, runny noses and sneezing fits have left almost four in ten struggling to do their […]

Employees are losing their passion for work in their 40s

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Brits are losing their passion for their job at an average age of 42, with 76 per cent revealing that they go to work to be able to afford to live. The survey of 2,000 British workers by Paymentsense found that of those in their 40s, around half revealed that they needed to work just […]

Working at home leaves employees distracted

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Brits working from home have admitted that distractions can lead to nearly five hours a week of food, FIFA and Facebook, according to a new study. As around 4.2 million of UK employees are working remotely, employers face fears that workload isn’t being monitored carefully enough. The report suggests that over half eat snacks and […]