Posts Tagged :

Working mothers

From reduced hours to unemployment, the ‘Mother Tax’

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Even though the gender pay gap among full-time employees fell from 9% in 2019 to 7.4% in 2020, there is still a 20% salary difference between working fathers and mothers. With this in mind, Bionic, the business comparison experts, wanted to find out where across the UK has the biggest pay disparity. Scotland and Wales have […]

Mums are being refused workplace flexibility – new report

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Half of working mums don’t get the flexibility they request at work, according to a new survey published by the TUC and campaigner Mother Pukka. Almost 13,000 mums across the public and private sector responded to the survey about flexible working. One in two (50%) told the TUC that their current employer had rejected or only accepted part of their flexible working request. Current flexible […]

Working mums: ‘We want more flexibility in the workplace’

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Women are a key part of a growing contingent workforce of freelancers, consultants and part-timers. Despite numerous government policies to attract more mothers back into the workplace, retention is still a significant struggle. To find out why this is the case, John Williams, Head of Marketing at Instant Offices, explores how employers can tackle retention issues […]

Well, this is depressing… people still think mothers shouldn’t work

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A new report has found that a large percentage of people are still judging women for returning to work after having children. The research comes via the latest British Social Attitudes report from NatCen Social Research which surveyed 3,988 adults between July and October last year. The good news is that 72 per cent of Brits […]