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Posts Tagged :

workplace costs

In pursuit of effective expense management

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For the average UK business, expenses account for between 8% and 12% of overall expenditure. With an overwhelming 85% of employees admitting to overclaiming on expenses in the past year, this poses a real problem. Argos for Business comments on how companies can take back control of their cash flow with better expense management. Businesses […]

Brits spend £48K over a lifetime getting to work

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British commuters face the longest journey times in Europe, but a new study reveals they also pay on average £48,000 over their lifetime for the pleasure of getting to work. With the average British working life now spanning 47 years, long commute times add up to more than a year of an employee’s life spent […]

Switching fonts can save businesses money

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Despite the digital revolution, printing is still a big part of the business world. While it’s common knowledge that reducing the number of pages your company prints can save money, new research by Staples shows simply changing the fonts you use can also cut costs. Staples looked at the cost of ink when printing various […]

First year of employment costs companies almost double staff member’s salary

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The true cost of hiring staff is almost double their salary during the first year of employment, a study by leading serviced offices provider BE Offices (BE) has revealed. Based on current Government figures BE closely examined all the costs of employing a new member of staff on an average annual salary of £27,600 and […]

Love Energy Savings shares cost-saving strategies for businesses

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The UK’s leading business energy comparison website Love Energy Savings has recently uncovered a bizarre range of strategies that businesses use in order to save a little money – and not all of them effective. With research from People Management showing that as many as half of workers have left a job because of a […]

UK workers spend up to £1000 a year on daily office costs

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New research shows the average UK employee splashes out more than £40,000 during their working life on daily office costs such as tea runs, cards and gifts for colleagues, and sponsorship of co-workers’ charitable activities. A survey of 2000 office workers conducted by Nationwide Current Account found that the typical employee spends around £350 a […]

Energy efficiency tips to cut bills in the workplace

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No matter what type of business you work for, it’s important to make every penny count to ensure your business is on the road to success. There are many costs that are unavoidable for all businesses – energy being one of them. Unfortunately it can also be the one that accounts for the biggest outgoing […]