
Career Development Popup

Full Information

Where is your career heading, and how can you push yourself further to be what you want to be? What can YOU do to put yourself forward in the best light if you are re-applying for your current job, or applying for a new one? What training would give โ€˜added valueโ€™ to you in your job, or in your applications?

New job. New methods. New boss. New colleagues. New skills. Recession. Redundancy. Unemployment. New jobโ€ฆ Are you truly moving onwards and upwards in your career, or just side-stepping? How can you use social media to assist in furthering your dreams?

This course will help you to open your eyes to the potential within you, and assist you with managing change as and when it occurs around you? The moral of the story is to BE PREPARED – no job is truly โ€˜permanentโ€™.

  • Being more ambitious about your role
  • Where are you now? Where do you want to be?- The importance of CPD and pushing for excellence
  • Preparing for the year ahead:
    • yearly appraisal: rewriting your job description and re-grading your job
    • assessing your skills and strengths
    • identifying areas for improvement
  • Opportunities for development; within your own company, or outside?
  • Training; what type is best for your future?
  • Change management; what to do when the change comes to your organisation, your role or your home life
  • How to use, and not use, social media for career advancement

Presented by:

Angela Garry, PA Trainer – Pica Aurum

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