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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Take note of this top training session

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Taking notes and minutes at meetings is a core competency that admin professionals need to develop and Angela Garry’s session at the next PA Life training day will ensure that your skills are up to speed. As well as having 17 years’ experience of PA roles, Angela now runs a successful training company called Pica […]

Tried & tasted

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London restaurants are going up in the world – quite literally, writes Colette Doyle. Long-time stalwarts such as the Paramount at Centre Point have been joined by newcomers including Sushisamba at Heron Tower and Aqua at the Shard. And now there’s City Social, (pictured) located on the 24th floor of Tower 42, close to the […]

Bookings for business made easy with Good Travel Management

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Ensuring the safe journey of your executives is at the forefront of most PAs’ minds. Choosing the right travel management company (TMC) can be integral to that and offering complete visibility of travel arrangements is a key attribute for a supplier. Here, Good Travel Management explains how it can help those PAs booking travel from […]