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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

PAs can help transform the workplace

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Research has suggested that 70 per cent of a CEO’s time could be better used. With this in mind, a personal assistant can help transform a business by using their role as a trusted ally of senior management and urging them to embrace technology which will streamline procedures in the company. A CEO’s time is […]

The secret life of celebrity PAs

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It’s no secret that many celebrities have a team of people supporting them in everything they do. The backbone of that group is often the PA, who may be responsible for organising this group and every aspect of his or her boss’s life. Business Insider recently interviewed seven members of an organisation called New York […]

10 things PAs do better than anyone

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A love for what they do is they mark of great personal assistants. It takes a special kind of person to spend their days supporting others without expecting recognition from the wider team. Here, former celebrity PA Bonnie Low-Kramen describes 10 things that assistants do better than anyone else in the office. 1 They are […]

Inside the world of Amazon

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Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon has told staff to speak with him directly about bullying – following claims the relentless cutthroat culture at his company turns employees into perennially depressed individuals.    Bezos, who ranks as the world’s sixth richest man with a fortune of $46.9 billion, according to Forbes, sent an internal memo […]

Stronger demand for senior level interim finance professionals

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According to new research from leading specialist recruitment consultancy, Robert Half Management Resources, there has been a huge rise in demand for interim finance employees, managers and directors, driven partly by the need for specialist skills around year-end management and annual budgeting. The requirement is strongest for management or C-suite level skills, with 59% of […]

Why do celebs have affairs with employees?

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Celebrities having affairs with their nannies, bodyguards, personal assistants – it’s nothing new. Since the beginning of cinema, celebrities have been having affairs and ending their marriages in the process for decades. Recently, Ben Affleck’s ‘stronger-than-strong’ marriage to Jennifer Garner broke down due to allegations of the former’s indiscretions with the family nanny. Jude Law, […]

Event Organisers Summit preview

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No matter what type of event you?re organising, a lot of time can be taken up sourcing the right service provider, says Paul Rowney. From hotels to caterers and entertainers to printers, they all need to be found. For most organisers it?s probably the part of the job they?d rather not be doing. It takes […]