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Thursday, September 17, 2015

7 traits of highly efficient people

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Everyone wants to perform to the best of their ability. But improving your own productivity can be tricky when all you’ve been given to go on is ‘work harder’. To help, Samsung has taken the time to identify seven traits that highly efficient workers often possess and display on a regular basis. 1. Stop multitasking […]

10 most common CV mistakes

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According to new research from New College of the Humanities, the average boss looks at a CV for just three minutes, while one in five make a decision on a candidate by gleaning it for under a minute. Despite almost a quarter of candidates claiming they have excellent written communication skills, many of them fall […]

Join PA Life at the Office Show After Party

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Combining a world-class training programme and sophisticated exhibition, office* 2015 is set to welcome 4,000 executive support professionals to Olympia, London on 13-14 October 2015. Are you going to be attending? If you are, we would love for you to join PA Life and CTI at the Office Show After Party for networking, refreshments and nibbles. […]

0.6% of workers read their contracts

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Only one worker in 166 has ever read their contract and understood its contents, according to a survey undertaken by a Yorkshire-based national employment law consultancy, which says that this ignorance has led to disciplinary action and dismissal in hundreds of cases. While workers are protected by a raft of employment laws, the company says […]