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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Learning on the job is easy

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A lot of PAs are thinking about the year ahead and looking at ways of gaining new skills. Itโ€™s difficult to justify spending time out of the office and thereโ€™s not always a budget for external training. But there are ways of learning on the job without sacrificing productivity, says Liane Davey, cofounder of 3COze […]

The perks of the PA Life Club

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Looking for a great way to network and grow your list of supplier contacts? The PA Life Club already offers huge benefits for members and 2016 promises to be an exciting year. PA Life Club members receive many perks for a yearโ€™s membership, which will include: โ€ข Numerous venue show rounds โ€ข Multiple discounts and […]

Swedish dads encouraged to take paternity leave

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Paternity laws changed in the UK last year, but thereโ€™s still a lot of confusion among new parents and women are typically the ones to take time off work to care for a baby. In Sweden, where gender equality is getting closer to perfect, men are strongly encouraged by the government to take paternity leave. […]

Interview techniques

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Avoid that awkward silence by brushing up with our interview top tips… ย Mastering a perfect interview technique is the next step after your well-formed CV and covering letter has gained you the attention to be invited for an interview. Now, itโ€™s time to grasp the new job opportunity by researching your technique.ย A series of standard […]

Employers urged to ease menopause for women

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As more women remain in the workforce through their menopausal years, many employers may need to do a better job of adopting policies that help ensure working conditions donโ€™t make womenโ€™s symptoms worse, recent European guidelines urge.   Employers need to be sensitive to shifts in physical and mental health that women may experience during […]

How to find your perfect job

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With the news that nearly half of the UK workforce will look for a new job this year, you may be thinking itโ€™s time for you to move on too. But how can you find the perfect role? Here are some tips from Kelly Kendall, Managing Director of recruitment firm Cordant People. Identify the job […]