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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

How to thrive at work

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Last week, we published some top tips for succeeding at work. But success isn’t just about working hard and engaging. It’s important to go beyond that and truly thrive at work, according to Chris White, Managing Director at the Centre for Positive Organisations at the University of Michigan. White says a thriving employee is “defined […]

Four million face violence at work

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A recent YouGov poll reveals that four million Brits have experienced violence at work, with health workers topping the list. The poll shows that 12% of people (one in eight) have experienced violence in work-related incidents, with some employees reportedly being punched, spat at, or even stabbed. Public-facing employees reported the most cases of aggression, […]

Employers feeling the pinch on pensions

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Two-thirds of UK workers are now saving through workplace pensions, thanks to automatic pension enrolment, but seven in 10 employers are feeling the impact in cost terms. While the focus must remain on encouraging employees to save into a workplace pension, the pressure is on for employers to improve productivity before other elements of the […]

Driven to distraction – Brits spend four years of their life driving to work and a further 110+ days trying to park

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The daily commute has long been one of the greatest sources of frustration for workers. With the average worker clocking up nearly 8,000 miles per year, crowding and delays on public transport and an increasingly choked road network, there’s little wonder that for many people the morning trip to work is the low point of […]