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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Five reasons to leave a horrible boss

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Last week we gave you some tips for staying resilient with a bad boss. But sometimes a manager is so inept or rude that it becomes necessary to look for other work. Executive Coach Monique Caissie recently wrote a blog post for the Canadian Huffington Post explaining five good reasons to leave a horrible boss. […]

More men working part-time

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The number of men choosing to work part-time is set to rise in the coming years, according to a new report published this week. The report by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), entitled Working Futures, projects that the number of part-time male workers is set to increase by 20% by 2024. That […]

Presidential EA shares experience of a lifetime

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It’s not every day you get a call from the office of the former President of the United States asking if you’d like to come work for him. Luckily for Peggy Grande, just such a call was the catalyst for a lifetime worth of amazing experiences. Peggy is the former Executive Assistant to Ronald Reagan […]

Six steps to career success

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Behind every successful business leader is a personal or executive assistant who is constantly striving to help them run their business as effectively as possible. In the five years since Aimee Bateman set up, she has spoken to countless office managers, secretaries and assistants across a wide range of industries, helping them to boost […]