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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Venue Search London sees 50% increase in bookings

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The online venue-finding agency Venue Search London is reporting a 50% increase in venue bookings across London from 2014 to 2015. Venue Search London was launched in January 2014 by leading creative agency Story Events Ltd and over a period of 24 months has doubled the number of events it has placed in venues across […]

Kid Rock’s PA dies in tragic accident

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Kid Rock says he is “beyond devastated” by the news of the tragic death of his Personal Assistant Mike Sacha, who was involved in an apparent ATV accident near the musician’s Nashville property. Sacha, 30, was found dead by Kid Rock and a friend following the alleged accident on Monday morning. He had been driving […]

PA Life Summit panel discusses the challenges of being a PA

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This year’s PA Life Summit was brought to a close yesterday with a discussion panel chaired by Editor Amelia Walker in which established PAs talked about the challenges of the role. The panel – sponsored by The Hippodrome Casino – featured champions from the upcoming London PA Awards, including: Jessica Moretti, EA to the Global […]

Mobile-optimised environments drive engagement

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A new global study, ‘Mobility, Performance and Engagement’ by the Economist Intelligent Unit (EIU) has established a measurable link between ‘more mobile-first’ working environments and an increase in employee engagement, proving that CIOs can drive increased business performance through well developed and executed mobile strategies. The study, sponsored by Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, […]