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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Join IAM at its Mental Health Awareness event

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Next month, the Institute of Administrative Managements (IAM) is hosting an event to mark Mental Health Awareness Day. Taking place on May 17 at the Wesley Hotel, London, from 6 to 8pm, the discussion will look at understanding what mental distress is, how it occurs and the effect it has on individuals, families and the […]

7 different ways for employers to make their work place safe and pollen-free

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After discovering yesterday that four in ten Brits struggle to do their job when suffering from hay fever, Dr Daniel Fenton, medical director of London Doctors Clinic, shares his tips employers can make to help allergy sufferers at work While we all long for those beautiful long summer days and the smell of freshly cut […]

Brits are struggling to make ends meet, finds study

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Brits are struggling to make ends meet financially, with four in ten falling short of cash to pay the bills. According to a survey of 2,000 UK adults, 43 per cent cited that they were short of the cash that they need to cover the bills an average of seven months each year. But one […]