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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

More employees are facing performance anxiety

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UK businesses are failing to recognise employees’ anxieties around communication in the workplace, a new study has found. Known as work-related performance anxiety, the business world’s equivalent to stage fright, more and more workers are reporting a feeling of anxiousness at least once a week (five times a month). These results were documented within the […]

Get face-to-face with senior buyers at the 2018 PA Life Summit

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PAs, EAs, VAs and admin professionals are all invited to join this year’s PA Life Summit, where they can meet with corporate buyers of venues, hospitality and travel. The day event, which kicks off on Monday 10 September, 2018 at Altitude London, will provide members of the industry to get face-to-face with other like-minded individuals. […]

Sustrans wants to encourage more women to cycle

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Almost three quarters (73%) of women living in seven major UK cities never ride a bike for local journeys. Despite this, over two-thirds (68%) say their city would be a better place to live and work if more people cycled, according to ‘Women: reducing the gender gap‘, a report published today by Sustrans. The report, which […]

Exercise may increase your salary (and sex life)

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Boffins in the US say they’ve found a link between the amount of exercise a person does and the amount of money they earn. A survey of 2,000 Americans revealed those who say they exercise regularly make $74,000 on average, while those who say they never exercise make $49,000 in comparison. That’s a whopping $25,000 difference. The study, […]