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Thursday, May 9, 2019

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90% of workplaces fail to offer menopause support

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Only 3% of workplaces have policies focusing on the menopause, with almost a quarter of menopausal women calling in sick as a result of their symptoms, according to new data. Forth With Life, a company that provides blood sample analysis and bio-marker tracking to promote and support health and wellbeing, recently undertook a survey exploring […]

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Employees least likely to call in sick in May… Except after Bank Holidays

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Data taken from a subset of 500 UK employers using the e-daysย absence managementย system shows that May is generally a low sickness absence month โ€“ with just 38.6 average sick days recorded. However, last year, on the Tuesday after the early Bank Holiday Monday this spiked to 61.1 absences and it went even higher on the […]

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Church House Westminster appoints new Event Coordinator

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Lauren McKenzie has joined Church House as Event Coordinator, bringing the total number of event coordinators in the Westminster venue to six. McKenzie will report to Vedrana Dancerelle, who heads up Reactive Sales and Event Planning at the venue.ย  McKenzie hails from Portsmouth and has previously studied Psychology. She then joined a London-based hotel as […]