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Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus: How to ensure productivity when working from home

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By Denisse Diaz, Marketing Director for London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) and London Academy of Trading (LAT). With the current state of COVID-19 and the recent announcement from the UK government – advising businesses to adopt a work from home policy if possible – many companies in the UK followed suit, to ensure their workforce is […]

Coronavirus: Wellness guru hosting mass online hypnosis session for isolating Brits

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Isolating Brits are being invited to join in the world’s first mass online hypnosis session tonight (Friday, March 20th) at 8pm. Devised by wellness guru Kim Palmer, the session will be available via Clementine’s Instagram channel @clementineappuk. In the session experts will provide a hypnotherapy service to help people relax after one of the most […]

Reminder: Addison Lee couriers are at your service

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By Addison Lee Here at Addison Lee, we’re very proud of our dedicated 600-strong army of couriers: they travel cross-country and internationally, through the night and through rain, snow, sleet or shine to make sure your packages are delivered on time. In fact, they complete around a million journeys a year, delivering around two million […]

Coronavirus: 61% of employees feel anxious, distracted or stressed

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Nearly two thirds of employees said their most common feelings amidst the coronavirus pandemic are anxiety, stress or distraction, with job security being the dominant reason for the emotion. That’s according to research from employee engagement survey specialist Inpulse, which shows that of the negative and positive emotions employees could choose, just seven percent selected ‘focused’ […]