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Friday, September 4, 2020

Are you drinking enough water? One in 10 adults claim they’re ‘too busy’ to

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More than one in 10 adults claim they’re ‘too busy’ to drink more water. A study of 2,000 Brits revealed they drink an average of five glasses of water a day – but 28 per cent said they don’t always remember to stay hydrated. It also emerged that disliking the taste could be among the […]

The average adult will cough up nearly £1million in bills over their lifetime

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The average adult will cough up nearly £1million in bills over their lifetime – and now spends more on tech than they do on utilities, a study has found. O2 research polling 2,000 UK adults found they will personally spend a total of £926,720 on gas, electricity, water, their phone and other bills. An average […]

September is a time to reset and refocus – the Wellness Revival Festival will show you how!

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As the children head back to schools and the weather starts to cool, September, for many, is traditionally a time to reset personal goals – particularly when it comes to wellbeing. So register now for your free place at this month’s Wellness Revival Festival and you’ll enjoy a full day of talks and activities designed […]

Learn from the best at Venues + Events Live Digital

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Venues + Events Live Digital (23-24 September) will provide an opportunity for learning and discussion throughout a challenging time. Learn and engage with key experts who will be tackling current industry issues and vital updates. Sessions include: Venues for the Year Ahead: Explore the latest venues for your upcoming requirements as the industry looks forward to […]