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Remembering Gordon “Butch” Stewart Founder of Sandals and Beaches Resorts

Gordon “Butch” Stewart was a Jamaican businessman who founded Sandals and Beaches Resorts.

Gordon grew up in Jamaica and was an entrepreneur from a young age. From buying a canoe at age 12 and using it to catch fish to beginning a business of ferrying rich tourists from their yachts to the shore and back, Gordon always had a good sense for business.

He founded the business Appliance Traders, Ltd., selling air conditioners and other appliances, and eventually founded the Sandals Resort chain. He was the company’s long-time owner and chairman as well as its founder.

Sandals was one of the first all-inclusive resorts, and it was the first in the Caribbean to feature a swim-up bar. With Sandals reserved for couples only, Gordon later founded Beaches Resorts, catering to families. Today, Sandals and Beaches Resorts is one of the most well-known hospitality names in the world.

In the spirit of honouring Gordon, The Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart Tourism & Hospitality Scholarship will carry on his legacy through education and training programs.

In addition, to continue celebrating Gordon’s love for the Caribbean, donations can be made to Marine Conservation through the Sandals Foundation at

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