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A successful PA Life Summit & PA Life Club’s 10th anniversary party


The PA Life Summit was moved to a new date of September 8th this year. It’s safe to say that the PA Life team and all of those who attended the event will forever remember it for the sad news we received that day following the death of our much loved and admired Monarch, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The very successful PA Life Summit had come to an end and our PA Life Club’s 10th anniversary celebrations were well under way when the news of the a shock announcement of her Majesty’ passing were announced around 6:30pm.

As the sign of respect we joined the thousands of businesses in ceasing all marketing activity for the following days.

What was the PA Life Summit like?

Over 50 delegates, all of whom were senior PAs, EAs and other corporate bookers, arrived at Hilton London Canary Wharf from 8am onwards, joining us for a continental breakfast ahead of their full schedule of pre-arranged meetings. Careful pre-event qualification process meant that we had been able to match the delegates with appropriate suppliers, over 30 venue, events, hospitality and business travel specialists. It was a fantastic opportunity for senior assistants and bookers to find solution providers and discover innovative opportunities that can help them in their daily professional challenges.


All images by Kevin Lines Photography

The suppliers who attended were able to have in-depth conversations, sharing digital presentations and visuals with potential clients in a non-pressured environment.

The feedback we have received so far from both the delegates and the suppliers has been overwhelmingly positive and encouraging.

Excellent seminars kicked off the PA Life Summit

Before the face-to-face meeting programme got under way, we had two excellent educational seminars delivered by formidable experts in their fields, and also a third talk after lunch as well.

1. How to convince (a Prince) was presented by Sam McAlister, Journalist and ex-Newsnight interviews producer

McAlister’s talk captivated the audience from the start. She revealed a lot about her background and cast herself as an outsider in the circles where she had moved in, first at university (first one in her family to attend), followed by the law chambers as a Criminal Barrister, and later at the BBC as a producer and a journalist in the Newsnight team. She certainly has grit and determination, as well as ‘trader mentality’, which she thanked her market trader parents for.

She delivered a very useful insight into the negotiations with the Royal Palace and their press officer when she, as the journalist, convinced Prince Andrew to do that interview with BBC Newsnight.

2. Become a time saving expert by using Microsoft Outlook Tasks: Paul Pennant, Managing Director at Todayโ€™s PA

This was an incredible practical and useful seminar. Paul allowed the audience to lead on what Outlook Tasks they would need most tips for and guidance with. He ended up showing us a lot of incredibly useful calendar management tricks and shortcuts, all of which will help PAs and EAs save precious hours in their busy weeks. The 35 minutes went in a flash and we can’t wait to welcome Paul back again.

3. Our afternoon seminar – Start the Day the Right Way, One Breath at a Time –ย  was a very popular wellness talk by Kelly, Breathwork Coach & Well-being Warrior,ย Be In Your Element.

Kelly started her session with a mini lecture about the how our breath affects our body and mind, from heart, digestion, nervous system. We can influence and even control all these functions, including our stress and anxiety levels, by breathing a certain way. That all made perfect sense and we we keen to put that into practice in the 20ย  minute breathing exercise that followed.

She guided us through a breathwork practice which left most of us, if not all, in the room feeling calmer, yet more energised and rested.

Judging by the rush by many of us to talk to Kelly and Be In Your Element founder, Lucie Eden, at the end, wellness and breathwork sessions becoming increasingly popular within corporate events and conferences.

After a successful PA Life Summit it was time for PA Life Club’s 10th anniversary celebrations


PA Life Editor (L) with PA Life Club members and Melissa from Popkakery (R)

It was a pleasure to see so many of our Club members at the post-summit drinks reception, many arrived just to celebrate the Club although many of our members had taken part in the summit too.

The evening was an excellent opportunity for PAs and EAs to network with their peers and also to meet the suppliers and event sponsors who all stayed for the party.

Thank you!

A big thank you for our raffle prize sponsors and also to Popkakery for bringing their delicious chocolate brownies for us all to devour!ย  The brownies were beautifully packed in special PA Life Club 10th birthday wrappers!

Prestige Hampers donated a number of wonderful hampers to our raffle, including the first prize of an impressive Traditional Hamper packed with the finest food and drinks. They also deliver beautiful bouquets and hat boxes filled with the most gorgeous roses, and we were delighted to include a large bouquet in the prizes.

Clearwater Hampers, trading as now, donated two hampers packed with delicious food and wine. Their gift hampers are 100% carbon neutral, and filled with excellent food and drink from hand-picked makers and producers. They also offer a range of bespoke and branded solutions, for a unique gifting experience.


The lucky raffle winners were:

Mayvelene Achord-Payne; LSBU

Suelem Sanders; AIG

Sarah Allen; Fitch

Renee Young; RMY

Joyce Stevens; Snevets

James Hitchin; South East Trains

Deborah Perry; Capgemini

Vivienne Tate; MSQ

Shaqufta Butt; Sutton Mattocks & Co



See more about PA Life Club and how to join. We are offering a 20% discount to new members during September and October 2022 as part of our 10th anniversary celebrations.