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9 out of 10 vent anger at work

Almost nine out of ten people vent their anger and frustration at their co-workers, according to research by occupational health provider Health Assured.

The survey of 992 employees found that nearly three-quarters (74%) claim that their manager regularly makes them angry by not leading the workforce effectively. A further 86% take out their aggression on their fellow workers.

And, despite the high prevalence of anger in the workplace, 79% of employers admitted they found it difficult to deal with staff who struggle to control their temper.

David Price, managing director of Health Assured, said: “Personality clashes and stressful work environments can have a negative effect on personal wellbeing, particularly our emotional health.”

The Health Assured research has been revealed at the same time as a report from work management software provider Workfront, which found 73% of UK employees expect their stress levels at work to increase in the near future.

The survey found that the three main causes of stress for employees are excessive workloads and competing deadlines (60% of respondents) a lack of communication and visibility into the work done by others on your team (57%), and poor access to appropriate resources and information needed to complete work (37%).