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Adam fidler

Adam Fidler shares how to “own it” by taking ownership

By Adam Fidler, Founder, Adam Fidler Academy Adam Fidler is the Principal and Founder of the Adam Fidler Academy, which offers inspirational teaching and learning for PAs, EAs and business support professionals. Adam Fidler, often gets asked what key attributes organisations are seeking in their EAs and he shares his insights with PA Life… “I was talking to a group of…

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Future-proof your Executive Assistant role with Adam Fidler Academy

By Adam Fidler Academy There are many reasons why today’s Executive Assistants and Executive PAs need to consider professional learning and development. In a competitive marketplace, EAs and PAs need to continually ask themselves ‘What sets me apart from my peers?’ – and an accredited training programme or qualification can certainly do that. Here at Adam Fidler Academy, we have…

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Adam Fidler joins Pitman SuperAchievers judging panel

Leading PA training practitioner Adam Fidler has today joined the judging panel of Pitman Training’s SuperAchievers Awards to hunt out PA of the Year 2016. Adam, who has worked as a board-level PA for blue-chip organisations including Boots PLC and Bank of America, sits alongside mum blogger and author Kirsty Smith, as well as last year’s SuperAchiever PA of the…

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PA Profile: Adam Fidler

“There are many people out there doing EA roles. There are 3.2 million in the UK alone doing admin roles and secretarial work, with 10 million working in positions that require admin skills to support their main job. In 2015, 20% of new UK roles were in ‘admin’ and over the next five years 1.2 million people are needed to…

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An EA is not the same as PA!

There still seems to be much confusion out there about the difference between a secretary, Personal Assistant (PA) and Executive Assistant (EA).  Adam Fidler, Founder and Director of Adam Fidler Academy, explains why an EA is not the same as a PA. Now, I’m not here to talk about secretaries, as that certainly isn’t a title I’d expect to see…

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Ego and self-promotion – what’s the difference?

Is having an ego and mastering self-promotion the same thing? Emma Hulbert, Senior Principal Consultant at Lily Shippen Recruitment discusses the definitions and differences… Do you ever think about posting something you are proud of either personally or professionally on a platform such as LinkedIn, but stop yourself because you are worried that people will think you are egotistical or…

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Why AI will never oust the Executive Assistant

There’s a new buzzword in town: ChatGPT. Personally, I’m getting a bit tired of hearing about it, says Adam Fidler, founder of Adam Fidler Academy. We’ve had scores of emails from Executive Assistants (EAs) and Personal Assistants (PAs) all over the world asking how ChatGPT and, more collectively, artificial intelligence (AI), will affect their roles… Interestingly, my views on artificial…

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How to start your career as a PA

If you love a role that is diverse and will give you an insight to the workings of an organisation, then a PA career would be a perfect road for you. Sienna Shipton asked PA and EA training experts Lindsay Taylor, the Co-Founder and Director of Your Excellency Limited and Adam Fidler, the founder of the Adam Fidler Academy for…

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Offsite Planning mistakes: how can EAs avoid these common pitfalls

Executive Assistants are master meeting planners. So it makes sense that they’re frequently asked to organise offsites and other in-person meetings in addition to their other responsibilities. If you’re an Executive Assistant tasked with this, there is one thing to keep in mind: offsite planning mistakes will happen to all of us. Providers of innovating solutions for the future of…

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Formal training for PAs and EAs: Professional status and qualifications

Adam Fidler, founder of the Adam Fidler Academy, shares his views on why formal training for PAs and EAs, leading to qualifications, is now necessary for the profession, and what to consider when deciding on the best course… EAs and PAs will often state that they don’t need formal training or qualifications, as they have been doing their job, successfully,…

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Ten fatal mistakes Executive Assistants (still) make

Adam Fidler, founder of Adam Fidler Academy, draws attention to the top ten mistakes that EAs need to avoid. Don’t feel offended as he urges you to use this as a development tool and take a self-critical approach to your EA career. LACK OF WRITING SKILLS Developing the ability to write, and draft documents takes time, practice and confidence. The…

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PA Life summer issue is out!

PA life summer print issue is now out and is being delivered to offices and home desks at the moment. If you are not on our mailing list, or can’t wait for your copy, you can read the digital version here. We’ve given the pagination a reshuffle, bringing the PA Life Club pages right to the start of the magazine.…

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What’s the difference between an EA and a PA?

PA Life asked Adam Fidler, who specialises in the education of EAs, to clarify what the difference between an EA and PA role is. I have written extensively about the differences, and similarities, between the role of Personal Assistant (PA) and Executive Assistant (EA). This brief article will help current job-holders, as well as employers, define, more accurately, how the…

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Make a career conversation part of your annual goal setting

Adam Fidler is the founder of Adam Fidler Academy, the UK’s leading provider of education to EAs and PAs. Here he discusses how to tackle career development and why PAs and EAs need to make a career conversation part of their annual goal setting. If there is one area that EAs and PAs seem to forget when they have their performance…

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Executive and their EA need to form a partnership for both to succeed

Adam Fidler, the Principal and Founder of Adam Fidler Academy, shares his advice on the Executive and their EA partnership and how to make that a successful one for both. The success of an EA depends upon the quality of their partnership with their Executive. An Executive and their EA should constitute a team of their own, and a team…

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What is career cushioning and how it can protect you from potential layoffs?

In the current economic climate, “career cushioning” is a trend that is seeing rapid growth in popularity. In fact, according to Google trends, search terms around career cushioning have increased by 5000% in the last 12 months. Brad Goodwin, Content Lead at Lensa, explains what this means: “Career cushioning is a way to protect yourself if you are laid off.…

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