
Interview with Kerrin MacPhie, Chief Executive at the mia


We spoke to Kerrin MacPhie, Chief Executive at The Meetings Industry Association, or mia as itโ€™s commonly known. Kerrin took over the reins last November as the only salaried position within the associationโ€™s board of business meetings and events heavyweightsโ€ฆ

The mia is the largest, longest standing and most influential trade body operating within the UK business meetings and events sector. Itโ€™s also the keeper of AIM Secure, the UKโ€™s only recognised quality standard for theย sector, which was further enhanced during the pandemic to feature a number of increased hygiene protocols.

What does the mia do and why is it important to have an industry body for the meetings and events industry?

The mia plays a crucial role championing best practice and providing clarity and guidance around the big issues while also uniting and ensuring the sector is recognised as a key economic driver by government.

What attracted you to this position at the helm of the mia and what are you hoping to achieve during your tenure?

Throughout my 25-year plus career, I have always held the mia in high regard. I was immediately attracted to the role as it affords me autonomy to use my skills honed from having held senior posts in destinations, associations, hotels and convention centres as well as channel my boundless energy and passion for the sector for the greater good. Itโ€™s been a busy few months since I joined, launching various initiatives and strategic partnerships but every day I am truly excited about the endless possibilities this role offers.

Ultimately, I am hoping to drive the miaโ€™s ambitious strategic plan to further grow and deliver a first-class membership experience while also working with government to ensure the sectorโ€™s key economic contribution is truly recognised.

We are focusing on sustainability throughout this issue, and it is also one of the key areas for the meetings and events industry. How is the mia helping the industry to achieve its ambitious sustainability goals?

Sustainability continues to remain high on our agenda. Working with our strategic partner Green Tourism, weโ€™re supporting our members with education and access to a whole raft of measurement tools to achieve the new Green Meetings standard, which supports our own AIM Secure accreditation.

What are the trends and developments you see shaping this industry most in the next few years?

Our infamously fast-paced sector has shifted up a gear since the start of the pandemic, adapting and pushing numerous boundaries. The key trends and developments including the metaverse, the next generation, sustainability and big data will no doubt shape the industryโ€™s future, which is why they will be key topics for discussion at our forthcoming REIGNITE conference in November.

For more information on the mia and REIGNITE visit

You can also read our exclusive interview with Emma Bason, Director of Meeting and Events UK at AMEX Global Business Travel