In Depth

Why we need more compassion in the workplace
960 640 Stuart O'Brien

By Jonathan Taylor, Managing Psychologist at leading D&I consultancy Pearn Kandola More…

How To: Choose a venue post-pandemic
960 640 Stuart O'Brien

Mandy Jennings (pictured), CEO at Venues of Excellence, shares top tips for…

PA PROFILE: Endava’s Orlaith O’Brien tells her pandemic story
960 640 Lisa Carter

Eighteen months ago no-one could have foreseen the profound changes a global…

Conflict resolution – Here are the strategies that work
960 640 Stuart O'Brien

Conflict resolution at work is a process used by two or more…

Don’t get sued! Is your business set up for a post-Covid world?
960 640 Stuart O'Brien

With lockdown restrictions set to ease from  19 July, it’s important that…

More than Half of Employees say Lack of Flexibility is a Deal-Breaker
960 640 Lisa Carter

More than half of the global workforce say they are prepared to…

Over 60% of people want to ditch the tech after work
960 640 Lisa Carter

Even tech lovers know to turn away from their devices after a…

What does your phone home screen reveal about your personality…?
960 640 Lisa Carter

It’s been revealed that how you organise your smartphone can say a…

How to tell from a simple text if someone is struggling mentally
960 640 Lisa Carter

More than a year of various lockdowns and isolation has taken its…

Is it the end of the Assistant…? Far from it!
960 640 Lisa Carter

By Roddy Adair, Director at Hays Personal & Executive Assistants… The question…

What dishonesty does to the brain and why it’s bad for business
853 569 Stuart O'Brien

By Dr Lynda Shaw (pictured), neuroscientist, business psychologist and change specialist Dishonesty…

The perfect playlist for productivity, sleep and more
960 640 Lisa Carter

Different occasions call for different tunes – what you jam to during the day…