In Depth

How to get the fundamentals of office design right
960 640 Guest Contributor

By Tushar Agarwal, CEO of HubbleWhether your company is just launching or growing,…

HOW TO: Do business travel – without the stress
960 640 Guest Contributor

If an Executive Assistant is stressed, the entire workforce suffers, writes Hannah…

HOW TO: Create a Christmas party with a difference
960 640 Guest Contributor

Just been given responsibilty for organising the office Christmas Party? Plamena Stanchev,…

How To: Support your menopausal employees
960 640 Guest Contributor

By Jessica French, Learning and Development Manager at CABAOver the last few years…

Bank holidays: Good or bad for small businesses?
960 640 Guest Contributor

By Conor McArdle, Opus EnergyAugust is a wonderful time of year. The sun…

Is your office spying on you?
960 640 Guest Contributor

As more businesses invest in surveillance technology to monitor and track employees…

HOW TO: Dress well in your job
960 640 Guest Contributor

By Helen Venables, MD of House of ColourGetting up in the morning…

HOW TO: Source, book & negotiate a venue
960 640 Guest Contributor

The dos, don’ts and maybes of finding the perfect venue for your…

Navigating the road to sustainability in the workplace
960 640 Guest Contributor

PAs have a key role to play in the creation of environmentally…

In focus: European venues in demand for their history
960 640 Stuart O'Brien

Event planners are increasingly placing an emphasis on working with venues that…

Flexible working: The benefits and the rules
960 640 Stuart O'Brien

Study after study is revealing that companies which offer flexible working conditions…

PA PROJECTS: The green office
960 640 Guest Contributor

Continuing our series of features looking at the tasks and projects that…

6 Tips for encouraging a better mental health workplace
960 640 Guest Contributor

We spend so much of our life at the office. Eight hours…