
How To: Create meaningful connections with remote first workforces
960 640 Guest

Is remote or flexi-working your new normal? Having adapted over the past…

Butlin’s and Studio 36 venue achieve AIM Accreditation
960 640 Stuart O'Brien

Butlin’s has further strengthened its position as a leading British venue for…

Lessons learned and future outlooks: Remote working is here to stay
960 640 Guest

By Jürn-Christian Hocke, Interim Head of Faculty of Arts at Berlin School…

Spring into the Arboretum
960 640 Guest

Aspects at the National Memorial Arboretum offers modern conference facilities with added…

Five ways to upgrade your Chairman’s dinner
960 640 Guest

Very often an event to set the scene for the year to…

SUPPER London lunchtime giveaway
960 640 Guest

Take the stress out of ordering for your office. At SUPPER London…

LVP Launches Mindful & Wellness Packages
960 640 Lisa Carter

Lime Venue Portfolio has launched three new packages, as part of its…

The best and worst countries for paid annual leave revealed
960 640 Stuart O'Brien

We could all use some time off, especially under the extremely stressful…

Become a PA Life Recommended Supplier!
960 640 Stuart O'Brien

PA Life offers a unique opportunity to place your brand, services and…

Here’s how Britain’s sick pay compares to the rest of the world
960 640 Stuart O'Brien

Sick pay has become a contentious topic in recent times, with the…

Half of UK employees seeking other work
1024 683 Stuart O'Brien

The wave of Great Resignation churn continues to grow as 50% of…

Red Bull unveils first of new event spaces
960 640 Lisa Carter

Red Bull Racing has unveiled the first of its new event spaces,…