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8 tech trends that will change the way we work in 2016

Hotels are embracing technology, says HotelsCombined

Improvements in technology are providing businesses with a new range of tools year on year. With research showing that millennials think having up-to-date tech at work is essential, it’s vital for companies to prepare for the future.

AJ Agrawal, CEO of Alumnify, recently wrote a list of the top eight trends businesses need to be aware of in 2016.

1 The ability to work from anywhere, any time
โ€œSimply put, work is no longer a place you go, it is something you do,โ€ Agrawal states. Millennials are obsessed with having the latest devices that allow them to do more work on the go and they often choose a job for its tech extras over salary.

2 Video content management
Whether a company uses video for training or marketing, the number of files is growing. It will become increasingly more important for businesses to invest in a file management system to keep everything organised and accessible.

3 Smart machines
Like their automated industrial counterparts, new smart machines are interactive devices that allow the user to speak naturally to start a process. Rather than the old-school standardised commands, devices can now recognise natural human speech.

4 Virtual desktops on mobile devices
It used to be you had to have a laptop or desktop to remote into your company’s system and access a virtual version of your computer at work. Now this can be done on a range of mobiles and tablets, giving users easier access to their files and software.

5 Mobile cloud computing
In order to provide real-time access to virtual company resources, computing is being transferred from mobile devices to cloud providers.

6 Wearable devices
At the moment, wearable devices such as Apple Watch aren’t ideal for business use because of their limitations. But as time goes on, new features and systems will be released that make the technology viable as a corporate tool.

7 Digital businesses
This isn’t just about the switch from analogue to digital. Adoption of new technology should achieve new ways of operating and how products and services are offered.

8 Tailor mobile strategies
Businesses need to research how their employees interact with devices and what they expect out of them so they can adapt tech strategies accordingly.

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