
A first for event industry charity Meeting Needs at The Meetings Show

Meeting Needs logo

For the first time ever, Meeting Needs โ€“ the charity of the event industry โ€“ will be using a donation box to collect funds at The Meetings Show.

The Meetings Show is the premier event for the UK inbound and outbound meetings industry. The show will be taking place until 16 June at Olympia, London. Organised by meeting professionals for meeting professionals, the event takes the form of a large exhibition with networking opportunities and professional education.

Steve Knight of The Meetings Show says: โ€œIt is wonderful to be working with the charity of the event industry by hosting a donation box to support their fundraising. In this, our fourth year, we are experiencing increased numbers of attendees at The Meetings Show. With more than 900 hosted buyers and 3100 additional visitors pre-registered, we hope that everyone will be generous and drop their loose change into the Meeting Needs donation box in The Meetings Show entrance foyer.โ€

Jennifer Jenkins, Chair of Meeting Needs says: โ€œWe are delighted to partner with The Meetings Show and fundraise in this way. In the same way that The Meetings Show is a chance for the whole industry to get together to share ideas and develop business opportunities, Meeting Needs unites the event industry through supporting good causes. I look forward to attending the show and to meeting with potential new partners for the industry charity.โ€

The Meeting Needs donation box has been made by 2Heads and is located at the entrance of The Meetings Show, near the registrations desk.

If youโ€™d like to learn more about Meeting Needs or apply for funds for a charity dear to your heart, visit,ย where you can find out more about the work they do and download an application form.