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Battle of the beverages – what is the PA drink of choice?

As the days are getting colder, the question is going to be asked across offices nationwide; anyone wanna brew?

Despite being the British staple, plenty of Brits have begun to rebel against tea in recent years, with coffee now beginning to overtake tea as the nation’s favourite, but what do you think?

We asked PA Life readers on Twitter @PALifeMag to find out what the official drink of PAs is (during office hours, of course). Despite many across the country becoming coffee enthusiasts, when it comes to an office beverage, we’re still opting for the cuppa overall, according to the survey, which revealed that 43% of our readers are still sipping back on tea.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-partner=”tweetdeck”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>What&#39;s your office hot beverage of choice? Tweet us your suggestions!</p>&mdash; PA Life (@PALifeMag) <a href=””>October 19, 2017</a></blockquote>

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Almost one in three are die-hard coffee connoisseurs, while around a quarter of PAs are opting for the spice of life, alternating between beverages.

4% didn’t fancy a bev at all, which is fine, if that’s your thing. To each their own, I suppose. It’s one thing to have a preference in the office, but do you know how close you could be to the Best Coffee?

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