
Bosses feeling generous for Rugby World Cup

New research by recruitment specialist Robert Half reveals that generous bosses across the UK will allow employees to escape the transport scrum and leave their desks early to watch the Rugby World Cup 2015. With some games kicking off as early as 2.30pm, employers are allowing staff members who traditionally work nine to five significant leeway to catch all the action.

Nearly three quarters (73%) of UK firms will allow employees the flexibility to watch matches. Of those, one in five (22%) will always offer flexi-time or early finishes to watch the game.

Increasingly, companies see the cohesive benefits of coming together to enjoy a sporting spectacle and emotionally invest in the event. Companies that embrace RWC 2015 are expected to generate significant benefits โ€“ more than half (54%) of HR directors believe Rugby World Cup-themed activities in the workplace will have a positive impact on employee morale. Only 5% of HR directors believe RWC 2015 will have a negative impact on their workplace, disrupting employee morale.

Employers in London are the most accommodating when it comes allowing workers time off to watch matches, with almost a third (30%) of firms set to allow flexi-time or early finishes for all employees. Companies in the Midlands are overall the least accommodating when it comes to allowing employees to watch the sporting action, with only 33% offering some flexibility.

Ideas on how to incorporate the Rugby World Cup festivities into the office:
โ€ข Allow teams to wear rugby jerseys for the country they are supporting for casual Friday.
โ€ข Decorate the office with rugby merchandise to engage people with the tournament.
โ€ข Organise an office touch rugby competition one evening during the tournament, encouraging team bonding.
โ€ข Have the matched playing on the office TV. That way people can stay up-to-date with the tournament if they arenโ€™t able to take advantage of flexible options to work around the game.
โ€ข Host staff viewing parties, put the matches on a screen in a meeting room and encourage employees to watch the games together.
โ€ข Encourage employees to compete in RWC 2015 fantasy leagues, picking their ultimate team for the tournament.