
Five ways to beat brain fog when working during the heatwave 


From ditching the lunchtime sandwich to hot desking, these easy tips will help you power through the day. 

If you’re finding it hard to focus at work this week, it’s no surprise, as studies show that heat really does zap our brain power, making it harder to be productive on the job.  

A recent study from professors at the University of Virginia revealed that the hotter you are, the harder you’ll find it to make complex decisions. The researchers suggest the problem might be caused by low glucose levels in the brain.

However, as many of us still need to stay focused during 9 to 5, brain training experts at from have gathered some top tips for beating brain fog in the warm weather.  

A spokesperson said: “While there’s scientific evidence suggesting that we are likely to lose focus in extreme temperatures, there are some easy ways to help tackle the brain fog to help to stay alert during the day.  

“From the food you consume to the place you sit to study, making a few small changes this week could make a dramatic difference to your energy levels.” 

Swap the lunchtime sandwich for a salad 

While tucking into your meal deal may be a lunchtime treat, during hot weather, consuming foods with high water content will help you stay hydrated and feeling your best. Salads and smoothies are a quick and easy option, packed with antioxidants and nutrients.  

Fatty fish such as salmon tuna, cod, and pollock, are also great foods for concentration. Fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids and DHA, which can help to improve concentration and memory.

Unsalted nuts and seeds are also great energy boosters, containing copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium. These nutrients are essential nutrients for healthy neurological function. 

Switch up your routine

If you have a flexible job, you’ll probably find it much easier to work during the cooler hours which are generally early in the morning and later at night. If you’re struggling to handle the heat during 9 to 5, ask your boss if you can switch up your schedule for a few days by either starting a couple of hours earlier or working a few hours later. 

Take a lunchtime shower 

While it may seem obvious, a cold shower can really help cool you down – but it also gives you a boost of energy if you feel yourself lagging. 

You’ll feel cooler immediately, and even better, you’ll keep cool for a while longer, too. As the water dries on your skin, it produces a cooling effect and keeps your body temperature lower for longer.

If your office has showers, take a towel to work, or if not, take one first thing in the morning so you feel calm and cool when you arrive.  

Switch desks  

If you’re working in an office this week and you sit by the window, you might want to consider moving to another desk. While it’s normally the best spot for people watching, the hot sun beaming in could quickly make you feel zapped and lethargic. Choose a desk that’s out of direct sunlight, or make sure the blinds are shut.  

If you’re working from home and just can’t keep cool in your house or apartment, take the opportunity to head out. Local coffee shops and co-working space are often equipped with air conditioning to keep you cool. Plus, the change of environment can be great for creativity and stimulating innovative ideas.  

Skip the afternoon sugar  

We all know the feeling of the 3pm slump but grabbing a cold can of your favourite sugary drink isn’t the best option this week. Our bodies use more glucose when it’s hot, and if you want to increase your energy, sugary drinks aren’t going to help. Instead, take a glass of water and have a handful of berries or nuts to give your brain a boost. 



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