
Brits are becoming more sensible in their 30s

Brits are becoming much more sensible and are losing their carefree attitude towards life at the age of 34, new research has found.

According to the 2,000 adults who were surveyed, two in five believe that their taste for adventure has calmed down over time, while half revealed they are more aware of their physically fragility.

36 per cent found that taking risks stopped appealing to them as much as it used to when they reached their 30s. Similarly, over a third felt starting a family had slowed the pace of their lives and 15 per cent wouldnโ€™t risk taking part in an activity in case it damaged their career.

โ€œWeโ€™ve loved watching Ross put himself through physical and mental anguish for Off Road,โ€ said Luke Hales, Dave general manager, who commissioned the research to launch Daveโ€™s new series Ross Noble: Off Road.

โ€œThe survey shows nearly a third of Brits still crave the rush of adrenaline that extreme activities provide, and that thereโ€™s no reason to slow down.โ€

The research also detailed the adrenaline filled activities Brits take on before adopting a more cautious approach to life.

One in six Brits have taken on skiing and a fifth have hand a go at rock climbing, while a third have taken the wheel of a go-kart and one in five have ventured down a woody trail on a mountain bike.

Despite taking part in a dangerous activity, one in five of those surveyed said taking part in an extreme activity gave them a feeling of a happy glow afterwards.